My wife, Gill and I, have spent the past thirty summers (Covid years excluded) exploring on the power boats we have owned, one Birchwood and three Brooms. All were named Seawolf.

In the early years, we mainly explored the west and north coast of France, but over recent years we have ventured further around the northern European coast and inland waterways.

We have written many articles about our adventures, which we hope you will enjoy, especially if you are exploring these areas yourselves.

The articles are divided into 4 sections:

  1. Articles published in the Broom Boat Owners magazine ‘Sweeping Statements’.
  2. Articles published in the Cruising Association Magazine.
  3. Articles published by the online magazine ‘Motor Boat Owners’, which is no longer in existence.
  4. A selection of old articles and articles which have featured us in other media, showing our

experiences on our different Seawolfs over the years and our general boating experiences.

As members of both the Broom Boat Owners Association and Cruising Association we

have received a great deal of assistance and information. We recommend membership

to potential boat owners and European travelers.

There is some duplication of articles, but the presentation and photographs differ.

We hope you enjoy reading the articles as much as we have enjoyed sharing our experiences

Peter and Gill Pitcher


Vintage Frames Floral Ornate Landscape Oval White

Please leave feedback so we can improve the site.

Hi I’m Zibbidee, well that’s my online name but in real life I’m Wilbur Wheeler. I am Peter and Gill’s grandson. I helped them make this website because they do not know that much about tech. This website was made by ME on Canva and Grandpa (Peter) provided me with all his boating articles and the photos from his mac(???). If you want to contact me about how I made this website, or other reasons, you can email me at